“From the time I was six years old, I was taught the value of doing what you can to make the world a better place. In 1954, my parents brought me to my first protest in front of a hotel that had discriminated against African American workers. I also went to a Quaker high school where embraced the values of nonviolence, respect for all, and the duty to help the less fortunate. Ideals of equality, truth, and peace have resonated with me ever since, and have moved me to activism and philanthropy throughout my life.
But in 1997, I had a terrible experience: someone stabbed me, and I lost a lot of blood. When you lose blood, you lose oxygen going to the brain and all kinds of neurological deficits are engendered. Due to my injuries, I am now blind and have trouble talking and walking.
My injuries made it so that I couldn’t work anymore, and at that point, I began weighing my alternatives: I could sit around and read all of the ‘great books’ that I hadn’t had time to read before, or I could get out and do something to help others.
So, from that point on, I started giving back even more to charitable organizations. I remember learning about a legal victory that NCLC won a while back. I’ve always felt strongly about how lenders and retailers can offer consumers bad choices, and then make them feel that they were the ones who made bad decisions. So when I heard about this victory, I thought NCLC sounded great, and I decided to contribute and subscribe to your newsletters and emails. I believe the ultimate object in life is to leave the world a little better than you found it. Working on that premise, I support NCLC and other organizations to help provide helpful services to the community — particularly to those who need those services most within our justice and economic systems.”