118th Congress (2023-2024)
Access to Justice
- H.R.2953 (Rep. Johnson)/S. 1376 (Sen. Blumenthal), Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act. Support (letter); Press release
- S.1408 (Sen. Booker)/H.R. 3038 (Rep. Allred), Ending Forced Arbitration of Race Discrimination Act of 2023. Support.
- S.3459 (Sen. Wyden), End Double Taxation of Successful Consumer Claims Act. Support (letter).
Banking, Payments & Remittances
- H.R.4763 (Rep. Thompson), Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act. Oppose.
- S.1984 (Sen. Menendez)/H.R. 4128 (Rep. Payne), Payment Choice Act of 2023. Support.
- S.2669 (Sen. Warren), Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act. Support.
- S.3538 (Sen. Brown), Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act. Support (letter).
Consumer Protection Regulation
- H.R.1059 – SECURE Notarization Act of 2023. Oppose (letter).
- H.R.7440 (McHenry), Financial Services Innovation Act of 2023. Oppose (letter).
- H.B.4507 (Rep. Meyers-Martin), Credit Repair Organizations. Support (letter).
- S.3803 (Sen. Warren), Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2024. Support.
- H.R.6789 (Rep. Barr), Rectifying UDAAP Act. Oppose.
- H.R.6398 (Rep. Barr), Financial Institution Regulatory Tailoring Enhancement Act. Oppose.
Credit Reporting & Data Fairness
- S. 5449 (Sen. Warren) – Data Breach Prevention and Compensation Act of 2024. Support.
- H.R. 10316 (Rep. Williams) Expanding Access to Credit through Consumer-Permissioned Data Act Support.
- S.3502 (Sen. Reed), Protecting Consumers from Abusive Mortgage Leads Act. Support.
- H.R.2656 (Rep. Torres), Trigger Leads Abatement Act of 2023. Support.
- H.R.4983 (Rep. Cohen), Equal Employment for All Act. Support.
- H.R.4560 (Rep. Pressley), Housing FIRST Act. Support.
- H.R.4907 (Rep. Frost, Maxwell), End Junk Fees for Renters Act. Support.
- H.R.6003 (Rep. Porter) / S.3103 (Sen. Merkley), Medical Debt Relief Act of 2023. Support.
- H.R.4198 (Rep. Rose), Protecting Consumers from Abusive Mortgage Leads Act. Support.
- H.R.802 (Rep. Loudermilk), Respecting State Housing Laws Act. Oppose.
- H.R.4311 (Rep. Trahan), the DELETE Act. Support.
- H.R.9991 (Rep. Nickel), To amend the Credit Repair Organizations Act to add additional protections against harmful practices within the credit repair organization industry, and for other purposes. Support.
Criminal Justice
- S.4435 (Sen. Booker), Families Over Fees Act. Support.
- S.2313 (Sen. Coons), Driving for Opportunity Act. Support.
Debt & Bankruptcy
Disaster Relief
- H.R.3219 (Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick), Federal Disaster Housing Stability Act. Support.
- H.R.8117 (Rep. Fletcher), Heirs Empowerment and Inheritance Rights Act of 2024 (HEIR Act of 2024). Support.
Energy Efficiency
- S.94 (Sen. Shaheen), Investing in State Energy Act. (Weatherization) Support.
Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications
- S.2827 (Sen. Hickenlooper)/H.R. 2827 (Rep. Peters), BIG WIRES Act. Support.
- Amendment #1237 (Sen. Rubio) to H.R. 4366 (minibus), Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024. Oppose (letter).
- S.3024 (Sen. Durbin), Promoting Access to Broadband. Support.
- H.R.6929 (Rep. Clarke) / S.3565 (Sen. Welch) Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024. Support.
Equity & Racial Justice
- H.R.7510 (Rep. Velázquez), Survivor Financial Safety and Inclusion Working Group Act. Support.
- H.R.8127 (Rep. Williams), Heirs’ Estate Inheritance Resolution and Succession Act of 2024 (HEIRS Act of 2024). Support.
High-Cost Credit
- H.R.7428 (Rep. Steil), Earned Wage Access Consumer Protection Act. Oppose (letter).
- S.2730 (Sen. Durbin), Protecting Consumers from Unreasonable Credit Rates Act of 2023. Support.
- H.R.1059 (Rep. Armstrong), Remote Notarization Act of 2023. Oppose (letter).
- D.C.B25-0609, Protecting Affordable Loans Amendment Act of 2023. Support (testimony).
- H.J. Res. 122 (Rep. Barr). Oppose.
- H.J. Res. 121 (Rep. Ogles)/H.J. Res. 122 (Rep. Barr)/S. J. Res. 70 (Sen. Scott), Resolution Disapproving CFPB’s Credit Card Late Fee Rule. Oppose (letter).
- H.R.8338 (Rep. Kim), Clarity in Lending Act. Oppose (letter).
- S.3549 (Sen. Reed), Predatory Lending Elimination Act. Support.
- H.R.9679 (Rep. Bonamici), Stopping Abuse and Fraud in Electronic (SAFE) Lending Act. Support.
Homeownership & Foreclosure
- H.R.8198 (Rep. Bishop (GA), Rep. Davis (NC)), the Heirs Education and Investment to Resolve Succession (HEIRS) of Property Act.
- S. 3673 (Sen. Reed) Affordable Housing and Homeownership Protection Act. Support.
- S.2204 (Sen. Shaheen, Blumenthal, Fetterman), Manufactured Housing Tenant’s Bill of Rights Act of 2023. Support.
- S.2295 (Sen. Warner), LIFT Homebuyers Act of 2023. Support.
- S.2224 (Sen. Brown), Stop Predatory Investing Act. Support.
- S.3402 (Sen. Merkley)/H.R.6608 (Rep. Smith), End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act. Support.
- S.3784 (Sen. Reed), Preserving Homes and Communities Act of 2024. Support.
- S.3728 (Sen. Tester), Veterans Housing Stability Act of 2024. Support.
- S.4824 (Sen. Warren), American Housing and Economic Mobility Act. Support.
Language Access and Immigrant Rights
- H.R.2834 (Rep. Garcia), The Community Finance Language Inclusion Act. Support. Press Release.
- H.R.2835 (Rep. Garcia), The Multilingual Financial Literacy Act. Support. Press Release.
Payments & Payment Fraud
- H.R. 9303 (Waters), Protecting Consumers from Payment Scams Act. Support.
- S.1323 (Sen. Merkley), SAFE Banking Act. Neutral.
- S.3298 (Sen. Van Hollen), Consumer Online Payment Transparency and Integrity Act. Support.
Student Loans
- H.R.2498 (Rep. Huffman), Private Loan Disability Discharge Act. Support.
- S.1963 (Sen. Sanders)/H.R.4117 (Rep. Jayapal), College For All Act. Support.
- H.R.5894 (Rep. Lawler, Espaillat, Davis, Pappas), House FY24 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Oppose (letter).
- S.3404 (Sen. Durbin), Student Loan Borrowers Bill of Rights Act. Support.
- H.R.6951 (Rep. Foxx), College Cost Reduction Act. Support (letter).
- H.J.Res.88 (Rep. McClain). Oppose (letter).
- S.3107 (Sen. Durbin), Court Legal Access and Student Support (CLASS) Act of 2023. Support.
- S.3727 (Sen. Durbin), Proprietary Education Oversight Task Force Act. Support.
117th Congress (2021-2022)
Access to Justice
- H.R. 595 (Rep. Schakowsky), Covid–19 Justice and Accountability Act. Support.
- H.R. 4445 (Rep. Bustos), Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 505/ H.R. 963 (Sen. Blumenthal/Rep. Johnson), Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act. Support.
- S. 766/ H.R. 4457 (Sen. Cortez Masto/Rep. Horsford), End Double Taxation of Successful Consumer Claims Act. Consumer Support Letter.
- H.R.3711 (Rep. Latta), Self Drive Act, Concerns (letter).
- H.R. 1023 (Rep. Scanlon), Justice for Student Borrowers Act. Support.
- H.R. 4277 (Rep. Maloney), Overdraft Protection Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 5912 (Rep. Garcia), Close the ILC Loophole Act. Support.
- S. 2677 (Sen. Booker), Stop Overdraft Profiteering Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 4777 (Rep. Nadler), Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act of 2021. Support Letter.
- S. 2729 (Sen. Warnock), Device Access for Every American Act. Support.
Consumer Protection
- H.R. 675 (Rep. Schakowsky), Covid-19 Price Gouging Prevention Act. Support.
- H.R. 2668 (Rep. Cardenas), Consumer Protection and Recovery Act. Group Support Letter.
- S. 4145 (Cantwell), Consumer Protection Remedies Act of 2022. Support Letter.
Credit and Consumer Reporting
- H.R. 3439 (Rep. Sánchez), Fair Credit Reporting for Servicemembers Act. Support.
- H.R. 4120 (Rep. Pressley), Comprehensive CREDIT Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 1343 (Sen. Reed), Consumer Credit Control Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 2417 (Sen. Scott), Credit Access and Inclusion Act of 2021. Oppose.
Criminal Justice
- H.R. 2152 (Rep. Lieu), Pretrial Integrity and Safety Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 2489 (Rep. Rush), Martha Wright Prison Phone Justice Act. Support.
- H.R. 2572 (Rep. Cleaver), Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act. Support.
- H.R. 2628 (Rep. Meeks), Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act. Support.
- S. 998 (Sen. Coons), Driving for Opportunity Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 1541 (Sen. Duckworth), Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 2507/ H.R. 4744 (Sen. Booker/Rep. Cárdenas), Eliminating Debtor’s Prison for Kids Act. Support.
- S. 3024 (Sen. Schatz), State Justice Improvement Act. Support.
- S. 3049/ H.R. 5651 (Sen. Van Hollen/Rep. Trone), Fresh Start Act of 2021. Support.
Debt Collection
- H.R. 1023 (Rep. Scanlon), Justice for Student Borrowers Act. Support.
- H.R. 1491 (Rep. Dean), Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act. Support.
- H.R. 1657 (Rep. Pressley), Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 1671 (Rep. Bonamici), Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented (SCAM) Debt Act. Support.
- H.R. 2135 (Cohen), Fair Debt Collection Improvement Act. Support.
- H.R. 2458 (Rep. Auchincloss), Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act. Support.
- H.R. 2547 (Rep. Waters), Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act. Support.
- H.R. 2572 (Rep. Cleaver), Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act. Support.
- H.R. 2628 (Rep. Meeks), Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act. Support.
- S. 355 (Sen. Van Hollen), COVID–19 Medical Debt Collection Relief Act of 2021. Support.
Deposit Accounts
- H.R. 4277, the Overdraft Protection Act of 2021. Support.
- CA S. 497 (Sen. Limón), Qualifying accounts for direct deposit of state payments. Support Letter.
- S. 5009, 2022 (Shaheen), Investing in State Energy Act. Support.
- H.R. 551 (Rep. Kuster), Energy Debt Relief for American Families Act. Support.
- H.R. 7949 (Rep. Watson Coleman), the “Stay Cool” Act. Support Letter.
High Cost Loans
- H.R. 9307 (Reps. Bonamicci & Jayapal) Stopping Abuse and Fraud in Electronic (SAFE) Lending Act. Support.
- California AB 2540, Qualifying Accounts for Direct Deposit of Publicly Administered Funds. NCLC & CRL Opposition Letter. Coalition Opposition Letter.
- S. 2508 (Sen. Reed)/ H.R. 5974 (Rep. Garcia), Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act. Coalition Support Letter.
- Economic Continuity and Stability Act (LIBOR) (Sen. Tester). Support Letter.
- H.R. 68 (Rep. Green)/ S. 769 (Sen. Cortez Masto), Housing Fairness Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 816 (Rep. Kaptur), Restoring Communities Left Behind Act. Support.
- H.R. 2143 (Rep. Higgins), Neighborhood Homes Investment Act. Support.
- H.R. 2553 (Rep. Cleaver), Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 3009 (Rep. Garcia), To amend the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 to establish language access requirements for creditors and servicers, and for other purposes. Coalition Support Letter.
- H.R. 3332 (Rep. Axne), Manufactured Housing Community Preservation Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 3333 (Rep. Axne), Manufactured Housing Tenant’s Bill of Rights. Support.
- H.R. 3555 (Rep. Williams), Voters on the Move Registration Act. Support.
- H.R. 4495 (Rep. Waters), Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021. Group Support Letter.
- H.R. 4497 (Rep. Waters), Housing Is Infrastructure Act of 2021. Support. Coalition Letter to Congress Supporting Inclusion of Housing in Build Back Better Budget Reconciliation Bill.
- H.R. 4791 (Rep. Waters), Protecting Renters from Evictions Act of 2021. Group Support Letter.
- H.R. 8328 (Rep. Bonamici), Fair Manufactured Housing Lending Act. Support.
- S. 1368 (Sen. Warren), A bill to make housing more affordable, and for other purposes. Support.
- S. 2131 (Sen. Tester), Promoting access to small dollar mortgages. Support Letter.
- S. 4671/ H.R. 8577 (Sen. Bennet/Rep. Perlmutter), GREEN Appraisals Act of 2022. Support.
Medical Debt
- S.5150 – Strengthening Consumer Protections and Medical Debt Transparency Act (Sens. Murphy & Van Hollen). Support.
- H.R. 2537 (Rep. Tlaib), Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act. Support.
- S. 214/ H.R. 773 (Sen. Merkley/Rep. Porter), Medical Debt Relief Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 5173/ H.R. 9380 (Sen. Warren/Rep. Castro), Financial Relief for Civilians Treated at Military Hospitals Act. Support.
- H.R. 4395 (Rep. Payne), Payment Choice Act of 2021. Consumer Support Letter.
Racial Justice and Fair Lending
- H.R. 166 (Rep. Green), Fair Lending for All Act. Support Letter.
- H.R. 816 (Rep. Kaptur), Restoring Communities Left Behind Act. Support.
- H.R. 2553 (Rep. Cleaver), Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021. Support.
- H.R. 4495 (Rep. Waters), Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021. Group Support Letter.
- S. 2131 (Sen. Tester), Promoting access to small dollar mortgages. Support Letter.
Student Loans
- H.R. 2498 (Rep. Dean), Private Loan Disability Discharge Act. Support.
- H.R. 3247 (Rep. Garcia), Stop EITC and CTC Seizures Act. Support.
- H.R. 6466 (Rep. Williams), Student Loan Rehabilitation and Credit Score Improvement Act of 2022. Support.
- H.R. 6749 (Rep. Ross), Clean Slate through Repayment Act of 2022. Support.
- H.R. 7000 (Rep. Stevens), Clean Slate through Consolidation Act. Support.
- S. 210 (Sens. Rubio, Warren), Protecting JOBs Act. Support.
- S. 496/ H.R. 1564 (Sen. Menendez/Rep. Gomez), Student Loan Tax Relief Act. Support.
- S. 839 (Sen. Cassidy), College Transparency Act. Support.
- S. 1263/ H.R. 2804 (Sen. Schatz/Rep. Pocan), Debt-Free College Act of 2021. Support.
- S. 1288 (Sen. Sanders), A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to ensure College for All. Support.
- S. 2455/ H.R. 4173 (Sen. Whitehouse/Rep. Doggett), Tax-Free Pell Grant Act. Support.
- Tax Filing Simplification Act (Sen. Warren). Group Support Letter.
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