
Massachusetts Alternative Energy Supply (Competitive Supply): Open Energy and Utility Q&A Hour

April 10, 2024

Watch Recording

TIME: 10:30-11:30 AM

SPEAKERS: Adriana Bakhos (AGO) & Benjamin Meshoulam (AGO)

According to a new report from the MA Attorney General’s Office, residential customers who were signed up to receive their electricity from retail/alternative energy suppliers (competitive suppliers) have paid $577 million more for their electric service since 2018 than those who stayed with the rates offered by their utility companies. Even more concerning, low-income customers are frequently pressured to sign up for these contracts, and marketing efforts often target customers in communities of color and communities with limited English proficiency. 

This Q&A session will start with a 10-15 minute presentation on retail energy supply (competitive supply) in MA, and then the floor will be opened for questions and comments. National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) attorneys will be joined by attorneys from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office – Adriana Bakhos and Benjamin Meshoulam – who will present briefly and then help answer questions. The presentation will cover: what competitive energy supply is, what the difference  between competitive supply and municipal aggregation is, what to look for to help clients avoid scams, etc. 

A reminder that questions and comments about all energy and utility issues in MA are welcome, they do not need to be about competitive supply.