NCLC is proud to receive the highest ratings from charity watchdogs, including five consecutive 4-star ratings from Charity Navigator, the country’s largest independent charity evaluator, attesting to our commitment to fiscal responsibility and accountability, and Candid’s 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the organization’s highest distinction for nonprofit transparency and accountability.

There are many ways to support our work for economic justice, including donations that provide urgent and direct support for NCLC programs. We are grateful for your support!

Consumer Law Defense Fund

Support the work of NCLC to defend important consumer protections in Congress, in regulatory agencies, and in the courts.

Leadership Circle

The NCLC Leadership Circle is a way for consumer community leaders to support NCLC’s work, and access its essential treatises and training conferences, through a single annual donation/payment.

Campaign for the Future

NCLC’s vision is for a nation in which economic opportunity is available to all.

Cy pres

Unclaimed settlement funds from class action lawsuits can be used to support our consumer rights.

Planned Giving

Would you like to help ensure that NCLC’s mission continues in perpetuity while furthering your own financial objectives?

Sustaining Donation

Become a monthly donor to sustain NCLC’s work in the fight for economic justice.

Scholarship Support

There has never been a greater need to assist legal services attorneys to attend our trainings and conferences.

In Memorial/In Honor of Gifts

Honor or memorialize someone special by making a contribution to The National Consumer Law Center in their name.

Institutional Support

NCLC partners with national and regional funders, family foundations, and other institutional donors.

Support NCLC

Please support NCLC's work to advance consumer rights and economic justice with a tax-deductible contribution today!
