Advocates Support CFPB Commitment to Closing Accountability Loopholes for Data Brokers Selling Dossiers on Americans in Secret
CFPB to use its rulemaking authority under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to address rampant harm caused by data brokers.
CFPB to use its rulemaking authority under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to address rampant harm caused by data brokers.
Massachusetts is poised to become the third state this year and fifth state overall to make prison calls free.
In an editorial appearing in The Messenger on August 8, 2023, Dr. Peter Kahn and Charlie Harak discuss utility shut-off protections for medically vulnerable customers and older adults, for whom access to electricity can be a matter of a life and death.
Originally appearing in ProPublica on August 2, 2023, Anjeanette Damon and Byard Duncan quote Sarah Bolling Mancini in a look at how few jurisdictions have laws or regulations to protect homeowners from aggressive real estate tactics. In particular, homeowners who have never publicly listed their houses for sale should be allowed a quick way out…
Originally appearing in NBC News on August 4, 2023, Gretchen Morgenson looks at public complaints reporting mysterious accounts being opened in customers names at Wells Fargo and quotes Carla Sanchez-Adams. “If financial institutions are not vetting customers’ identities thoroughly enough or as required under bank secrecy and anti-money laundering laws, then they shouldn’t be opening the…
Read More about NBC News: Phony bank accounts resurface at Wells Fargo, with a twist
Originally appearing in The New York Times on August 1, 2023, Matthew Goldstein covers rent-to-own company Divvy Homes and quotes Sarah Bolling Mancini with references to recent testimony before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. Divvy’s roughly 50 percent success rate might be better than that of many smaller rent-to-own firms, but that isn’t good enough.…
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