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Note: For more materials on a particular subject area, visit Our Work page.

Federal Legislation

119th Congress (2025-2026)
Banking, Payments & Remittances
Consumer Protection Regulation
  • H.R. 77 (Biggs), Midnight Rules Relief Act. Oppose.
  • H.R. 654 (Barr), To change the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection into an independent agency named the Consumer Financial Empowerment Agency, to transition the Agency to the regular appropriations process, and for other purposes. Oppose.
Credit Reporting & Data Fairness
  • H.R. 306 (McBride), End Scam Credit Repair Act. Support.
  • H.R. 1101 (Stevens), The Taxpayer Data Protection Act. Support.
Debt & Bankruptcy
Disasters & Pandemics
  • H.R. 1607 (Fletcher), Heirs Empowerment and Inheritance Rights Act of 2025 (HEIR Act of 2025). Support.
Equity & Racial Justice
  • H.R. 1640 (Williams), Heirs Estate Inheritance Resolution and Succession Act of 2025 (HEIRS Act of 2025). Support.
High-Cost Credit
  • H.R. 1658 (Bonamici) / S. 780 (Merkley), To amend the Truth in Lending Act to address certain issues relating to the extension of consumer credit, and for other purposes. (Stopping Abuse and Fraud in Electronic Lending Act of 2025 (‘‘SAFE Lending Act”)). Support.
Homeownership & Foreclosure
  • H.R. 1042 (Bonamici), To amend the HOME Investment Partnerships Act to establish a Project Turnkey Program to leverage vacant hotels and motels for housing and enhance shelter capacity nationally, and for other purposes. Support.
  • S. 788 (Merkley)/H.R. 1745 (Smith), The HOPE (Humans Over Private Equity) Act. Support.

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