Headshot of a woman with curly neck-length brown hair and glasses standing in front of a shelf of NCLC books.

Alys Cohen

Senior Attorney

Alys Cohen is a senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center’s Washington office, where she leads NCLC’s federal housing advocacy before Congress and the regulatory agencies. She also coordinates NCLC’s work on energy efficiency housing finance and disaster response. Alys is a member of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy’s (ACEEE) Research Advisory Board where she helps to assess and guide ACEEE research capabilities and activities.

Prior to joining the NCLC staff, Alys served as an attorney in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Financial Practices, where she focused on predatory mortgage lending and discrimination matters. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Alys is co-author of NCLC’s Truth in Lending, Consumer Credit Regulation, Credit Discrimination, and Mortgage Lending.

Alys co-authored, with fellow NCLC senior attorney Karen Lusson, the Ensuring Consumer Protections in the Delivery of Energy-Efficiency Financing and Renewable-Energy Programs chapter in What’s Possible: Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods.