Headshot of a bearded man standing outside wearing glasses and a blue striped shirt.

Charlie Harak

Senior Attorney

Charlie Harak is senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) specializing in energy and utilities issues. He represents consumers before regulatory agencies, testifies at legislative hearings, and provides legal and policy counsel to low-income advocates, legal services lawyers, and government officials. He also devotes much of his time to training lawyers, advocates​,​ and front-line social services staff regarding the rights of utility customers. Much of his work focuses on energy efficiency issues, ​including federal appliance efficiency standards, climate change, and advocacy for larger and smarter energy efficiency investments in affordable multifamily housing​. Charlie currently serves as a commissioner of the Board of the Melrose Housing Authority and is a member of the Equity Working Group of the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council.

Prior to joining NCLC, Charlie was an assistant attorney general in Massachusetts, working in the utilities and insurance division. For 16 years, he also worked at the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute. 


J.D. Northeastern University School of Law

B.A. Cornell University