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NCLC/CRL Comments in Response to Draft Handbook 4000.1
NCLC and CRL submitted comments in response to FHA’s draft handbook that support that draft and offer areas for improvement.
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Joint Industry and Advocacy Comment on Draft FHA Handbook
In this letter, consumer advocates and mortgage industry trade associations support HUD’s draft loss mitigation waterfall and make suggestions for improving it.
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Checklist for Identifying a Zombie Second Mortgage
The NCLC Zombie Mortgage Checklist provides suggestions for gathering information and documents to help determine if an advocate’s client has a zombie second mortgage and if there may be claims against the lender or servicer that would enable a client to challenge the foreclosure, negotiate an affordable loan modification, and obtain other relief to allow…
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Bounce Protection: How Banks Turn Rubber into Gold by Enticing Consumers to Write Bad Checks
Banks are aggressively marketing a new form of high cost credit intended to boost their fee income at the expense of the most vulnerable consumers. These products are based on overdraft protection, but are not traditional overdraft lines of credit or the occasional ad hoc practice where a bank will cover a consumer’s bounced check…
Group Letter to the FCC re: Implementation of the Martha Wright Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act, WC Docket Nos. 12-375, 23-62
This letter lays out how the Commission should efficiently and justly continue to implement the Martha Wright Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act. The actions the Commission should take include: (1) adopting permanent rate caps on incarcerated people’s communications services (IPCS); (2) collecting data regarding IPCS video costs and other aspects of the marketplace; (3)…