Medical Debt

Medical debt is a top reason people are contacted by debt collectors. Unlike other types of debt, medical debt is often unpredictable. People do not plan to get sick or hurt. NCLC works to reduce the burden of medical debt by advocating for laws that eliminate abusive debt collection, stop credit reporting of medical debt, and prevent medical debt at the outset.

Model Medical Debt Protection Act

March 28, 2025

The Model Medical Debt Protection Act, now in its third edition, is a tool for advocates who are working to protect consumers who are burdened with medical debt in their states. The model act provides suggested language to improve state health care financial assistance laws, and to strengthen medical debt collection consumer protections.

Read More about: Model Medical Debt Protection Act

From the NCLC Digital Library

Collection Actions

NCLC’s treatise detailing consumer defenses to debt buyer and creditor collection lawsuits on credit card, medical, criminal justice, and other consumer debts.

Read Chapter One