October 4, 2024 — Featured News

Airing on WBUR on October 4, 2024, Miriam Wasser talks to Charlie Harak for coverage of a new tiered structure for utility discounts for low-income Massachusetts residents. The coverage also relies on data produced by Anna Kowanko.

While some states, like Connecticut and New Hampshire, already offer multi-tiered electric discount rates, National Grid’s new program will be the first time a utility in Massachusetts offers such a program. It’s a change Charlie Harak, a senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center said is long overdue.

“A flat discount rate of 32% probably makes bills, if not always affordable, at least close to affordable for people near 60% of median income. But it didn’t do much for people at the bottom end,” he said. “This will make it much easier for them to actually afford their bills and therefore avoid having their utility services terminated for nonpayment.”

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